Consultant, Trainer, Contributor.
released in 2011
Full-Duplex: Client to server and server to client
« Just » a protocol, language agnostic
Only transfer data when useful ≠ polling
Different paradigm, different problems
Memory management, long running process, shared state between clients…
Retrieve sensor data,
Chat and social feeds,
Collaborative editing/coding,
WebSocket server and client written in PHP
Built using ReactPHP ecosystem
Event-driven,non-blocking I/Owith PHP
// 🤓 Low level libraries
?Waits for and dispatches events or messages.
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
// Register streams to listen on
Everywhere,for everything…
$stdin = new React\Stream\ReadableResourceStream(STDIN, $loop);
$stdout = new React\Stream\WritableResourceStream(STDOUT, $loop);
Two libraries: client and server.
# Server only
composer require cboden/ratchet
# Client only
composer require ratchet/pawl
must connect to Server
messages are sent to other connected clients.
can define his name to identify himself.
A bit different than the Request / Response model.
👉 Use tools like Supervisor or SystemD.
Do you really need Full-Duplex?
👉 For Server to Client only, check Server-Sent Events!
Sharing code,domain expertise,team knowledge…